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Join ROSE today by following the details below to fight for a better future for Scotland!

Membership Fees

Individual membership is £10;
Local organisation £20;
Scottish level organisation £50

How to Join

You can join by filling in the form at the link below and following the payment instructions there:

Link to membership form here

Frequently asked questions

What is ROSE?

ROSE was formed in August 2016 to bring together those in the trade union and Labour movement who want to campaign for a post-Brexit settlement that protects and enhances workers’ rights both at work and politically in terms of the freedom of Scottish governments to advance democratic control and public ownership.

What do I get out of joining ROSE as an individual?

You become part of a movement to defend our democracy in Scotland, in terms of the existing powers of the Scottish Parliament, and to extend them to meet the needs of working people.  You will receive regular briefings and bulletins and information on meetings.

Who else is affiliated to ROSE?

Current affiliates to ROSE include Unite, Unison, RMT and trades union councils in Dundee, Glasgow, Clydebank, North Ayrshire, Midlothian. West Lothian and Kilmarnock and Loudon.


What do we get out of joining ROSE as a trade union/trade union council?

You will receive briefings and bulletins that detail actions taken to
defend working people, our rights and democracy in face of governments that represent the interests of big business whether at the level of the British government, the EU or the Scottish government.